Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Week Three {Day One & Two} ...

 On Monday they started framing our main level floors and also framing our basement walls! I have to say that this really made it feel real! This is our HOUSE! I am beyond excited. 

 On Tuesday they continued framing. I stopped by in the middle of the day to check on the progress and they were almost done with the floor. They finished it by the end of the day! I haven't been out there yet today {as I have been spoiling my sweet oldest baby, he is two years old today!} but we will head out there later tonight as a family. I can't wait to see the progress! It's amazing how much difference one day makes.

Yesterday we picked out our toilets, bathtubs/showers, faucets for the bathrooms and kitchen and our kitchen sink. I am SO excited for our kitchen sink {more to come on this later}!


  1. This is so cool! It's amazing how fast your house is taking shape!!

  2. Looking great, sissa! Can't wait to see it next week!
